Wow I cannot believe that we are at the end of January already; this month has flown by!
The weather hasn’t been great; as I write this we are due to get more snow! I am hoping that after this snow there will be no more! Snow interrupts training and causes so much disruption the only good thing about it is that it’s pretty.
Things have been pretty quiet this month due to the weather. But both boys had a sports massage which they enjoyed very much. It was fantastic to hear that Sky felt like a 14 year old and Bear had shown a massive improvement since last time.
The boys then had their vaccinations and teeth done; so are already for the year ahead.
Both boys felt fantastic after their massages. We have found the button for Sky’s enormous walk and I can turn it on and off when I want and keep it for the whole session, which is very exciting! As we head towards the Winter Championships it’s time to start concentrating on the test and perfecting the individual test movements.
Bear has come on leaps and bounds and the contact is getting better and better. At the moment we have our first party in the diary and so are looking at the smaller areas that we can work on to improve and then get even higher marks!! Then it will just be a matter of putting everything together and then going from there.
I went for a really good sports massage I felt fantastic afterwards and it really helped.
I had a delivery of more supplements and a super warm woolly hat from my sponsors BETTA Life. I started using PharmaTRAC at the end of last year and within a few days both horses were so much more settled and less spooky (they are not particularly spooky horses but our new arena has lots of things to look at but both horses have been ignoring the outside distractions and listening to me). Overall both horses are more relaxed and are able to perform even better than before, tension doesn’t get in the way. It is nice to know that both horses are on a supportive supplement for total digestive tract support. I am excited to continue using this product and to test it out in more stressful situations such as when we compete and stay away from home.
My exercises have been going well and I am looking forward to seeing Fiona next month at the University of Hertfordshire. I have started seeing a neuro physiotherapist at London; and so have added in a few more exercises to my programme. I am going back to see her in March.
Next month we head off for the Winter Championships at Myerscough, so I will update you all on how we get on next month. I am looking forward to it and it’s also my birthday so it should be a good weekend. It looks like it’s going to be a busy month!!